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Gestoría Fuentes Fernández sponsors of the Intergenerational talk between the IES Frei Martin Sarmiento and the Al Faro Senior Services Day Centre.


🗣 Intergenerational talk between students of IES Frei Martín Sarmiento and users of Al Faro Mayores Servicios Senior (Al Faro Day Centre) by Gestoria Fuentes Fernández SL.

In the current academic year, Gestoria Fuentes Fernández SL has promoted and sponsored a six-month Mentoring Programme for young students of ESO, the main objective of which is to empower young people in vulnerable situations.

Within this Programme, last Friday we have carried out an activity that consisted of an Intergenerational Talk in the Centro de Día Al Faro SL, in Pontevedra. 23 students accompanied by their teacher Cristina González and the social worker Aurora Coego interacted with the elderly users. It was very emotional because the users of the Centro Al Faro Mayores Servicios Senior recounted experiences of their lives as workers and entrepreneurs.

This programme is part of our Corporate Social Responsibility policy and we hope that it will reach as many schools as possible.
